Specialist Services
First Nations Australian

First Nations apprentices can access our specialist career support program to receive culturally supportive guidance, professional development and pastoral care to achieve completion and go on to successful careers.
We offer a range of supports to assist apprentices in navigating their chosen career, workplaces, and work-life balance to achieve strong completion outcomes, including:
Access a range of tools, checklists and diagnostics aimed at supporting apprentices to identify bespoke support plans to help you achieve success.
We will assign a dedicated mentor with specialisation skills in supporting First Nations apprentices, that will be relatable, supportive and there to help you overcome challenges, and of course, cheer you on throughout your apprenticeship.
Join our First Nations Peer Support Group, that brings together apprentices across WA to share experiences, provide advice and learn from each other. We’ll also run regular in-person events across WA, so stay tuned for dates and locations!
We offer a range of learning and development opportunities for you to take advantage of throughout your apprenticeship, including access to industry role models.
Our team has developed a directory of support services that are available across WA, that include dedicated services for First Nations Australians to assist with complex issues in a culturally supportive manner. Our team builds strong relationships across our referral network to ensure trusted, discrete support can be accessed effectively.
Join our First Nations Reference Group, where we ask you to share your experience as an apprentice, and help us identify systemic issues impacting on the safety, wellness and success of First Nations apprentices to help us make a difference.
In your final apprenticeship year, take the opportunity to book a guidance session with our team to assist you in understanding your future training options, starting your own business or career progression strategies.
- Competitions to win tickets to industry expos and events

Chambers Apprenticeship Support Australia Pty Limited, trading as Apprenticeship Support Australia is contracted by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to provide Australian Apprenticeship Support Services to employers and Australian Apprentices. Apprenticeship Support Australia is one of a number of Apprentice Connect Australia Providers in Australia. This website does not represent the Australian Government. If you wish to access information about Australian Apprenticeships from the Australian Government, you should access the website https://www.apprenticeships.gov.au.