How we can help

We help you find, sign-up and support your apprentices and trainees so your business can achieve successful completion outcomes, maximising your investment in Australian apprenticeships.

Recruitment Support

Celebrating over 25 years of building skills in WA

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Government Incentives

We can help you determine your eligibility for Commonwealth incentives, administer payments, and guide you on State incentive programs.

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Systems and Claims Support

We will help you get set up to easily claim your eligible support payments.

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Employer Support Services & Tools

We offer invaluable industry supports to enhance safety, culture, and respect, creating thriving workplaces.

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Specialist Services can be offered to:

Women in male-dominated trades

First Nations Australian apprentices

Australian Apprentices working towards clean energy occupations

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Local experts who are part of your community

With service contracts in every state across the nation, we also have WA’s largest team of Apprenticeship Consultants and Mentors based in 15 locations:

  • Perth
  • Northam
  • Mandurah
  • Bunbury
  • Albany
  • Kalgoorlie
  • Esperance
  • Geraldton
  • Newman
  • Exmouth
  • Karratha
  • Port Hedland
  • Christmas Island
  • Broome
  • Kununurra
Call Apprenticeship Support Australia 1300 363 831
Apprenticeship Support Australia - Western Australia Offices

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