Our Process

Straight forward sign-ups

We have been supporting businesses, apprentices and trainees for a long time. Our local team of experts know how to navigate the national training contract set up process here in WA, to make sure you and your apprentice or trainee is supported to achieve a successful completion.

Before you sign-up, we’ll make sure:

  • The employment arrangement and workplace is suitable to undertake the apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Your apprentice’s readiness levels are understood, and any support requirements are identified

Step 1: Research, decide and prepare

It is essential to do some research and make some fundamental decisions before you start. We recommend using this checklist to prepare:
• Do you understand the award and the minimum terms and conditions for employing an apprentice or trainee?
• Decide on the employment status – full-time or part-time?
• Work out the correct rates of pay and entitlements.
• Decide on the hours and roster.
• Get familiar with the correct payslip and record-keeping obligations.
• Review your workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation.
• Choose a training provider.

Our FAQ is a good place to start

Step 2: Assessments

The team at ASA will ask a set of simple questions of you, over the phone. This will help us determine if you need any on-going assistance from the get go.

We’ll make sure that all parties can deliver on their responsibilities of a legal contract.

Note that, we will send out Readiness Quiz link to your apprentice/trainee and book them in separately for 30 min pre-sign-up discussion to help us identify any support needs required to achieve a successful completion.

Step 3: Sign-up to the National Training Contract

Our consultant will come out to meet with you and will:
• Help to complete the National Training Contract
• Sight the required evidence
• Confirm required information, including your nominated training provider, supervisory arrangements and ensuring the chosen qualification aligns with the intended occupational outcome.
• We’ll ensure all parties have access to the ADMS system

Step 4: Lodgement of the contract with the Apprenticeship Office

We’ll take care of this for you. The Apprenticeship Office, operated by the Department of Training and Workforce Development, will assess the training contract, consider the qualification’s appropriateness to the occupational outcome, and ensure appropriate supervisory arrangements are in place. Once the contract is assessed and deemed appropriate, it is approved.

If there are any issues, ASA or the Apprenticeship Office will contact you for more information.

Meanwhile, ASA will undertake a formal eligibility assessment for your federal incentive entitlements. We will send out a letter via email that outlines the federal incentives that you are eligible for.

Step 5: Approval and commencement

The Apprenticeship Office notifies ASA and your nominated Training Provider when the contract is approved. Your Training Provider will then be in contact to set up a Training Plan for the apprentice or trainee.

In WA, your Training Provider has a maximum period of six weeks to set up the Training Plan and notify the Apprenticeship Office that it is agreed with you.

Throughout the term of the Training Contract, ASA will be in contact with you and your apprentices and trainees to check in that all is progressing well.

Additional information about pre-sign-up can be found here.

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