Employing an apprentice | Nathan Van Tiel

Employer: Nathan Van Tiel,Trade Works Building Solutions
Industry: Carpentry
Location: Geraldton WA 6530
TradeWorks Co

How would you describe your experience engaging with an apprentice?
Our apprentice, Kingston, brings curiosity and a willingness to learn the trade to the job site, along with a cheeky sense of humour.

There are always testing moments, as the job site can be tough and our job is complicated with a lot of skills and learnings required, but this adds to our positive experiences and a sense of achievement once the jobs are completed.

What were the biggest challenges you faced when recruiting apprentices? How did you overcome them?
We haven’t experienced many challenges as we work with the local TAFE and high schools on recruitment. It’s important to note that we were all once young and unsure, even a little nervous onsite, but a good team culture can provide the support needed to help an apprentice grow and learn.

How has an apprenticeship helped boost your business capability?
Having a bigger team means we can take on larger and more challenging jobs, and having Kingston on board really helps with our work.

What advice would you give to help other businesses achieve successful training outcomes?
Fail Forward. Remember, it’s a learning journey and we all make mistakes. It takes a team to build and support the next generation of chippies/carpenters.

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