Mentoring and Personal Support Services

Free support through to contract completion

To help businesses employ and retain apprentices or trainees successfully, we offer a range of support. We can assist you in navigating workplace and training issues.

Mentor Hotline

Our confidential hotline is available to employers for:

  • Advice on managing any problem or issue
  • Referrals to specialist services
  • Book in-person appointments with our mentors if the matter requires further attention, who can directly support and assist your apprentice or trainee. Book a mentoring appointment here.


We have a team of expert mentors, including Specialists to support employers of Women in Male-Dominated Trades, First Nations Australia Apprentices and, Apprentices undertaking Clean Energy occupations, who are trained to assist with complex matters. The team focuses on alleviating any problems affecting an apprentice or trainee completing their contract successfully and will assist with:

  • Mediating work issues
  • Providing impartial support and advice to employers, apprentices and trainees

CCIWA Employee Relations Helpline

As an ASA client, the team at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA’s (CCIWA) Employee Relations Helpline are just a phone call away whenever you need them. Call for expert advice on issues impacting your apprentices and trainees, including:

Supervisor Training

A free online training module supporting your supervisors to develop apprentices.

This module will help your supervisors to:

  • Build knowledge of training contract obligations and responsibilities
  • Work with your training provider to align off-the job training to develop on- the-job competencies
  • Become good coaches and create safe and respectful workplaces
  • Access additional support for more challenges and issues
  • Learn how to turn your apprentice into a star

HR and On-Boarding Tools

Located in our exclusive Employer Portal, access our industry developed:

  • Apprentice On-Boarding Kit that provides a range of key templates to ensure you start out right
  • HR Health Check-up to establish where you have room to improve workplace safety, culture and respect
  • Respect@Work Assessment designed to ensure your business is legally compliant

Coming soon: A range of new employer support tools to help you create safe, respectful workplaces for your apprentices.

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