CCIWA Apprenticeship Support Australia, in conjunction with the Department of Jobs and Small Business and Centacare, are making it easier for employers to access work-ready candidates through the Youth Jobs PaTH (Prepare-Trial-Hire) program.
Check out this month’s STAR job seekers!

Job seeker of the month
This friendly and professional individual has 18 months of customer service experience and is looking for a career opportunity in administration. With a Certificate III in Business Administration and a great work ethic, this job seeker is ready to go and waiting for the next opportunity.

Job seeker star 1
A hardworking and charismatic young person who always has a positive attitude to completing activities. Enjoys all kinds of repair, maintenance and handyman tasks and is familiar with modern tools and equipment. A fit and enthusiastic team player.

Job seeker star 2
A composer of fine music with a Diploma of Hospitality, who is punctual and has excellent presentation. Seeking a food and beverage position in either a hotel or restaurant, this keen job seeker is ready to go. Also speaks both English and Vietnamese, a plus for your industry!
► Interested in any of our STARs? Call Apprenticeship Support Australia’s Government & Community Liaison Officer, Libby Kinna today on 08 9365 7674.