Resource Centre

Hospitality Jobs Expo
Join us in Perth North at the upcoming Hospitality Jobs Expo and explore your next career move.
Women in male-dominated trades – awards and support initiatives
Your one-stop-shop for useful and practical resources and available supporting women in male-dominated trades.
Deadly Jobs Expo
Get practical career support services and connect with the ASA team at the Deadly Jobs Expo 2024 to be held at Fitzroy Crossing.
Construction apprenticeships and traineeships
Mandurah Jobs Fair
Join ASA in October to discover the world of opportunities offered by apprenticeship and traineeship pathways.
Support Indicator for potential apprentices
Support Indicator to help potential apprentices make the most of their training
Introduction of Support Indicator helps potential apprentices identify needs for extra help prior to commencement of training.
Ability Link project to boost employment for people with disabilities
A new pilot project, run by our friends at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA), will seek to break down employment barriers for...
Future proof your career: the top five growing industries
Explore in-demand career paths and achieve your goals through apprenticeships or traineeships. Contact ASA today to get personalised career support.
Esperance Community & Employment Expo
Discover your next career move or the career pathway that you’d like to explore further after leaving school. Join us in Esperance to explore potential...
Perth South Jobs Expo
Meet the ASA team and uncover the diverse career paths presented by apprenticeships and traineeships.
Thornlie Trade Expo
Join us in Thornlie this September to connect with ASA and receive practical advice on training and employment opportunities.
Explore apprenticeships and traineeships with ASA
Perth Skillswest Careers & Employment Expo
Join us at the Perth Skillswest Careers & Employment Expo, Western Australia’s largest Careers & Employment Event at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre. Explore...
Former apprentice on benefits of apprenticeships
Perseverance sees Flex Industries thriving after 20 years
Driven by determination, business owner Mark Wilson is now taking on apprentices, an ode to vocational training that got him started as an apprentice.

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