What is a School-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship?
A School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship is undertaken part-time while the apprentice or trainee is still attending school.It combines paid employment, on or off-the-job vocational training and senior secondary school studies.
What are some of the benefits of employing a School-based Apprentice or Trainees?
Employing a School-based Apprentice or Trainee gives you the chance to:
- Recruit keen young staff before they graduate from high school
- Employ and train a young person part-time in your business
- Meet the current and future skills need of your business
- Give a young person realistic exposure to your industry
What are the minimum hours for a School-based Apprentice or Trainee?
A school-based apprentice or trainee must do at least 7.5 hours per week of
paid work with the employer who is named on their training contract. The hours can
be averaged over six months. Link
Can all apprenticeships and traineeship be done via a school-based traineeship or apprenticeship?
No. A lot of traineeships and apprenticeships can be commenced under a school-based arrangement however some qualifications aren’t included. The AB Register shows which qualifications can be done via a school-based traineeship or apprenticeship.
Does a school-based apprentice or trainee get paid?
Yes. Employers are required to employ their School Based Apprentices and Trainees under a federal or state award or agreement which sets out their wage and conditions of employment.
What additional incentives are available to employers of school-based trainees and apprentices?
The Australian Government may provide additional incentives to eligible employers to take on an Australian Apprentice in a qualification endorsed by the school. Additional incentives may include the Australian School-based Apprenticeship Commencement Incentive ($750) and for employers who retain their School-based Apprentice or Trainee post-school, the Australian School-based Apprenticeship Retention incentive ($750) may be eligible.
Where can I find out more information?
Please call Apprenticeship Support Australia on 1300 363 831 to speak to one of our Industry Training Consultants about School Based Traineeships and School-based Apprenticeships