Latest News

Federal Budget offers $90m to help construction and housing sector
The Federal Government is investing $90.6 million to increase the number of construction and housing workers to help close the national skills gap.
Financial boost for building and construction apprentices 
Building and construction apprentices will receive more financial support, with the WA Government committing $52.3 million ahead of the State Budget.
In-demand defence industry jobs outlined 
Defence industry jobs and career pathways are now easier to navigate with the launch of The Other Forces website.
ASA awarded Government Contract
Apprenticeship Support Australia (ASA) is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Australian Government’s contract to support apprenticeships and traineeships in New South...
Free online training for ASA employer clients
Now a one-stop-shot for employers, Apprenticeship Support Australia WA’s (ASA) Access Portal offers a suite of free online training resources to assist with employing apprentices...
women pursuing apprenticeships and traineeships
Women apprentices and trainees growing at faster rate than men
Women are taking up, and completing, apprenticeships and traineeships at a faster rate than men, recent data shows.
Close-up Of A Person's hand typing on laptop showing a spreadsheet, over wooden desk
New service offering from CCIWA partnership
Apprenticeship Support Australia (ASA) clients can now access accounting, tax and bookkeeping services through CCIWA’s accounting firm partner, Optima Partners.  
Representatives from Shoreline, the Clontarf Aboriginal College, Perth Zoo and Apprenticeship Support Australia at Perth Zoo.
Clontarf Aboriginal College students thrive with Perth Zoo traineeship
For many people, working at a zoo is their dream job. That is the reality for seven Clontarf Aboriginal College students who are making an...
Skilled workforce boost with $93.4m apprenticeship, traineeship support
The WA Government has shown support for the State’s skilled workforce with $93.4 million allocated in the State Budget dedicated to apprenticeship and traineeship initiatives.
Cash incentives for construction apprentices, trainees to boost workforce
To help tackle construction skills shortages, apprentices and trainees may be eligible for thousands of dollars from the WA Government for completing their studies. The...
Western Power charged up with 51 new apprentices
Apprenticeship Support Australia (ASA) congratulates Western Power of its achievement in appointing 51 new apprentices to its business. Western Power is a valued client of...
Expansion of apprenticeship priority list helps tackle skills shortage
The Australian Apprenticeships Priority List has increased from 77 to 111 jobs in a move to help mitigate skills shortages. The Federal Government added 34...

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