CCIWA Apprenticeship Support Australia, in conjunction with the Department of Jobs and Small Business and Centacare, are making it easier for employers to access work-ready candidates through the Youth Jobs PaTH (Prepare-Trial-Hire) program.
Check out this month’s STAR job seekers!
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Since graduating from university, Amy has actively sought out film and photography work within the arts and media industry, as well as undertaking various volunteer work within her chosen career field. She is very keen to transfer her skills learnt through video production and photography to the workplace and believes that her safe work practices, attention to detail and dedication to achieving in her chosen field will make Amy a reliable, resilient and committed employee. She has completed Employability Skills Training with AITT.
Jobseeker star 1
Completing a Diploma in Business Administration in 2016, this job seeker has a lot of experience in customer service roles as well as in early childhood education. Looking for a reception or administration position, this job seeker has previously completed a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education. Confident and friendly, this job seeker completes tasks efficiently and professionally
Jobseeker star 2
Polite and motivated, this job seeker has completed Certificate II in Electrotechnology at Trades North Clarkson and also obtained a Certificate II in Engineering. This job seeker is looking for employment in either the electrical or air-conditioning and refrigeration industry.
While undertaking further studies, multiple work experience placements were completed with electrical companies. Responsibilities in these roles included fault finding, installations, general maintenance as well as cleaning of workspaces, tools and equipment.
► Interested in any of our STARs? Call Apprenticeship Support Australia’s Government & Community Liaison Officer, Libby Kinna today on 08 9365 7674.