Employer discovers Youth Jobs PaTH, sparks apprenticeship for young job seeker

When Andrew Lucas of A.D.L. Electrics, an electrical contracting business in Wangara, began his search for an apprentice, he discovered Youth Jobs PaTH and decided to give it a go.

Youth Jobs PaTH allows employers to host interns between the ages of 17 and 24 for up to 12 weeks to find out if they are the right fit for their organisation.

Andrew felt that PaTH internships provided an extended opportunity to determine whether potential employees are suited to the role.

Andrew connected with Communicare, a local Jobactive provider, who was able to provide a shortlist of potential interns suited to the business needs of A.D.L Electrics. After interviewing a number of applicants, Andrew found 19-year-old Rory Doyle.

Having previously completed a pre-apprenticeship in plumbing and gas fitting, Rory was keen to get off income support and find work where he could use his hands.

“The internship was beneficial as I could see if I enjoyed the job before committing to an apprenticeship”.

“Communicare checked-in with me throughout the process, they were really supportive,” said Rory.

Financial Incentives offered through PaTH helped cover the costs of hiring and training Rory during his internship.

Andrew was looking for an intern that displayed good work ethic, and during the eight-week internship, found Rory met his expectations.

Rory was offered an apprenticeship position which was supported by a wage subsidy. When asked about establishing the Wage Subsidy, Andrew said: “it was handled quite swiftly by Communicare”.

Andrew said he “would definitely suggest the program to other employers and would use it again in future”. As for Rory, he is happily employed with A.D.L. Electrics and charging ahead with his apprenticeship.

► The Youth Jobs PaTH program is designed to support young people to gain the skills and work experience they need to get and keep a job. For more information, please contact Apprenticeship Support Australia.

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