Resource Centre

STAR Job Seekers: February 2018
CCIWA Apprenticeship Support Australia, in conjunction with the Department of Jobs and Small Business and Centacare, are making it easier for employers to access work-ready...
STAR Job Seekers: January 2018
CCIWA Apprenticeship Support Australia, in conjunction with the Department of Jobs and Small Business and Centacare, are making it easier for employers to access work-ready candidates...
APM Employment Services helps Jakob on his PaTH
When Jakob finished high school, he was unsure of what he wanted to do and was referred to a jobactive provider, APM Employment Solutions.
Employer discovers Youth Jobs PaTH, sparks apprenticeship for young job seeker
When Andrew Lucas of A.D.L. Electrics, an electrical contracting business in Wangara, began his search for an apprentice, he discovered Youth Jobs PaTH and decided...
Employer Portal: Apprenticeships Direct
As part of our ongoing commitment to our clients, we are always looking for ways to better assist and support employers and their apprentices and...
Minister confirms private RTOs are key
On 2 August, Apprenticeship Support Australia attended an ACPET Lunch showcasing keynote speaker, Minister for Education and Training, the Hon. Sue Ellery.
Skilling Australia Fund set to train 300,000 Australian workers
As announced in the recent Federal budget, the Australian Government is establishing a Skilling Australians Fund, prioritised towards apprenticeships and traineeships in occupations in high...
Mentoring services
Training to build skills
The transition from high school to the workforce is a critical time for school leavers. However, there is a way to make it easier, by...
Need staff? Trial a young person before you hire
A new Australian Government program aims to make it easier for businesses to find and recruit young people.
New Ombudsman protects concerns of VET students
The Australian Government has recently announced the establishment of an Ombudsman body to address complaints regarding the VET FEE-HELP (VFH) scheme and the new VET...
Budget 2017: What’s in it for training?
The Federal Budget has produced positive outcomes for the training sector, with new programs poised to focus national attention on training and workforce development. Increased...
Are you paying your Apprentice or Trainee correctly?
recent report conducted by the Fair Work Ombudsman has revealed some businesses have been incorrectly paying their apprentices and trainees or have failed to comply...

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